C to C strives to make sure all the surprises are good ones in exceeding your expectations. We base the cost of the production on preproduction discussions and the treatment supplied. If after production begins you decide a helicopter shot would really show off the new west wing, we can certainly provide one BUT if that wasn't part of the original plan, an extra cost would be charged. We'd inform you of this before going ahead with it. It may not be a helicopter shot but a trip to Montreal to get a French interview, or getting the new grapplegrommit machine in a location not discussed, the script might be changed after approval to include a brand new mission statement segment or to change the final voice, or the logo you supplied and approved might not be the right one its decoded and it needs to be changed. If we underestimated the amount of time to edit the video -that's our problem, making changes to the original requirements after we are into the process may mean additional charges subject to your approval.

Often the number of copies of the final production is not known until after the video is done and was not included in the original quote, and a quote from C to C as to replication costs will be made before additional copies are created.